
Listening to politics

02/03/2021 ⇉ 15/04/2021 el ciberespacio

Bisagra ventures into the sound space with a series of podcasts around a word that sometimes seems unpronounceable in Peru: "This issue should not be politicized", "politics is dirty", "it is for political purposes", " politicians are corrupt. " The word "politics" is often used as something negative, related to hidden, private, subordinate interests. How do we, who believe that our actions and interactions in social life, including and especially in the private sphere, are heavily loaded with political content, relate to that word ? In what way is it useful to us and how could it be more useful? How to adapt it to our wishes and urgencies?

To start conversations about these and other questions, we sent the following questionnaire to a number of diverse guests:

1 - How do you understand the word politics?
2 - What is your relationship with politics?
3 - Who do you think of when you listen to it?
4 - What would you like to be associated with or what would you like to be included in its meaning, which is not included now?
5 - What political events marked / crossed your life (childhood, adolescence, adulthood)? How did they affect you on an intimate level?
6 - Mention a book or movie that you relate to her and explain the relationship.
7 - Mention three to five songs that you relate to her (this is important, as we will use them to interject with your voice in the podcast)
8 - What do you consider the most significant political event of the year?
9 - Could you identify and describe a political event that had a happy or positive result in Peru?
10 - Could you imagine and describe a political event capable of changing the course of the world in the direction that you consider positive?
11 - What is your favorite slogan from a march you have attended? Could you sing it / shout it?
12 - Could you read a poem with political content? (If you don't feel comfortable doing it, please send us the title and name of the author so we can read it)
13 - Mention one or two people you would like to hear answering this questionnaire (your answers will be used to organize our list of future guests)